Youth Activities

tor_smallThis page provides details of youth organisations in and around Woodhall Spa. Please visit the 'Arts & Crafts' and 'Sports Clubs' pages for more youth activities. If you would like your organisation to be mentioned then please provide the webmaster with a written description, (max 100 words) supported by photographs where possible. Select bold text in the narrative for more information.


Horncastle ATCAir Training Corps

1265 (Horncastle) Squadron
Coronation Walks

Meets Tuesday and Thursday nights - 7.15 to 9.30pm

Many weekend activities including Flying, Target Shooting, Camping, Sports

Visit the Air Training Corps website at:

Facebook Logo


Checked 6 Jan 24


17 Sqn ATC17 (Coningsby) Squadron
c/o Training & Development Flight
RAF Coningsby

Meets Tuesday and Thursday nights - 19:00 to 21:30
Many weekend activities including, Flying, Gliding, Target shooting, Camping and Sports

Officer Commanding, Flight Lieutenant Rob Eyre RAF VR (T)

Mobile phone 07928 214981
Email at oc.17Facebook
Visit the Air Training Corps website at:

Updated 6 Jan 24


Scouts1st Woodhall Spa Scout Group

The Woodhall Spa Scout Group has three vibrant sections: Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. Including the Leaders we have over 60 members in the village, plus a team of Young Leaders, section assistants and Parent helpers. We also have an active Executive committee who support and ensure the effective administration of the Group. All sections are open to both boys and girls of all Religious and Cultural backgrounds.

Beavers (meet at St Andrews School 5.30pm)

Aged from 6 years to 8 years old Beaver Scouts are the youngest section of the Scouting family. Their activities are based around making things, outdoor activities, singing, playing games, going out on visits, investigating nature, listening to stories, learning how to be safe and most importantly, making new friends.

Cubs (meet at Coronation hall 5.30pm)

Aged from 8 to 10½, they take part in a wide range of activities. From indoor craft work to outdoor sport and team-building exercises. Cubs have a diverse programme, gaining badges for different skills and achievements. Cubs also have the opportunity to go on a summer camp.

Scouts (meet at St Andrews School 7.00pm)

Aged from 10 to 14½, Scouts are the third section of the Scouting movement. Scouts take part in different sports from football to parascending, kayaking to hiking. They participate in international camps with many thousands of Scouts, just a few in the Scout Woods on Kirkby Lane. They learn to read maps, use GPS’s and cook on wood fires.

The 1st Woodhall Spa Scout Group meets Monday evenings at St Andrew's School, Woodhall Spa

Cub Scouts, for 8 to 10½ year olds, meet between 6.30 and 7.30pm

Scouts, for 10½ to 14 year olds, meet between 7.00 and 9.00pm.

Meet the Team

Group Scout Leader

Richard Arden known by his nickname ‘Boggit’. Richard has over 30 years of Scouting experience and his role is to manage the Group

Beaver Leaders

Stephanie Simmons known by the children as ‘Heron’. Stephanie, while being very accomplished at arts and crafts, Stephanie enjoys the outdoors activities as well

Sarah Clarke known by the children as ‘Crow’. Sarah has helped transform the Beaver Colony over the last year.

Cub Leaders

Sam Turner known by the children as ‘Shere Khan. Sam, who has a wealth of experience as a Guide now shares this with our Cubs.

Alex Hausermann known by the children as ‘Bagheera’. Alex enjoys running all aspects of the training programme.

Val Picker known by the children as??. Val has been through thick and thin with Woodhall Scout Group from leading games to chief camp cook

Scout Leader

Dave Edwards. Dave has years of experience in Scouting with different Groups in the Sleaford and Horncastle District.

Dave McDonnell. Dave is a keen Mountain Biker, hiker and enjoys the outside part of Scouting

Chris Robinson. Chris has worked in all sections of the Woodhall Group for several years and knows all the Children

Facebook LogoGroup Scout Leader 1st Woodhall Spa

Phone: 01526 353902

12 Jan 25


Woodhall Spa Rainbows

Venue: St Andrews School

Meets: Tuesday 5 - 6pm

Girl guiding website:


2nd Woodhall Spa Brownies

Venue: St Andrew's Primary School

King Edward Crescent
Woodhall Spa
LN10 6RQ

Meet Wednesday evenings - 6.45pm - 8.15pm

Girl Guiding website:


Girl Guides

Venue: St Andrew's Primary School

King Edward Crescent
Woodhall Spa
LN10 6RQ

Meet Tuesday evenings - 7.15pm - 8.45pm

Girl Guiding website:


Woodhall Wizards Children’s Centre (Pre-School & Nursery)

St Andrew’s School
King Edward Crescent
Woodhall Spa
LN10 6RQ

Close to the centre of Woodhall Spa. Woodhall Wizards provide a breakfast, after schools and holiday club.

Tel: 01526 352705
Fax: 01526 353770

