This page provides details of 'Art and Craft' related businesses in the local area. If you would like your business to be featured on this website then please provide the webmaster with a written description (max 100 words) supported by photographs where possible.
Eclipse Photographic
Unit 1
Matthew Temple House
The Broadway
Woodhall Spa
Tel: 07778 311914
At Eclipse we aim to provide you with a photographic service that will encourage you to come back, whether it be contemporary, or traditional wedding photography, commercial or family photographs, bespoke Framing services or photographic printing services. Showcasing our commercial work and our work which is both award winning and ready to be hanged in your home. We strive to provide you with the highest quality that will be viewed for many years to come.
Checked 3 Jan 25

Edmund Czajkowski
Edmund Czajkowski (Furniture Restoration)
96 Tor 'O' Moor Road
Woodhall Spa
LN10 6SB Tel: (01526) 352895
Using traditional techniques, Edmund Czajkowski & Son Ltd produces items of individually designed furniture to meet your requirements.
Only the best materials are used, be they exotic or native hardwoods. We also ensure that all our timber comes from sustainable sources.
We can also copy your existing pieces, e.g., extending sets of dining chairs, staining and polishing the new chairs to match the originals. We conserve and restore antique furniture, clocks and barometers. Restoration skills include carving, gilding, French, oil and wax polishing, marquetry, metal work, inlay and Boulle work. Examples of our work can be found in museums, collections and private houses. For more information contact;-
Michael Czajkowski B.Sc, ICON(ACR), BAFRA
Checked 3 Jan 25
James Ritson Media
James Ritson Media - based in Woodhall Spa, offering complete media solutions including:
Video Production (promotional, short films, events coverage)
Photography, Website Development, Training & Presentations, IT & Technical support
01526 353213 (Landline)
07877 662294 (Mobile)
Checked 24 Dec 24

The Kinema in the Woods
Kinema in the Woods
Coronation Road
Woodhall Spa
LN10 6QD
Tel: 01526 352166
The “Flicks in the Sticks,” as Woodhall Spa`s famous Kinema in the Woods, was dubbed by the hundreds of servicemen who crowded into it during the 2nd World War, is unique. It is the only cinema in the country to operate by projection from behind the screen.
Checked 3 Jan 25
Little Card Company
Woodhall Spa
We’re a greetings card publisher, supplying retailers across the UK. If you have a business and are interested in stocking our cards, or would simply like more information please get in touch. If you’re a member of the general public and you’re interested in buying please check our list of stockists. If there isn’t a stockist near you, please contact us.
Tel: 07724 121523
Website: Little Card Company
Checked 3 Jan 25
Miss Sarah Jane
“Miss Sarah - Jane's voice will take you back to the golden days, a time when music played a major role in raising the spirits of Britain.”
I am based in Woodhall Spa and am Veteran of the Royal Air Force following a 15 year career as a military Musician where I was based at RAF Cranwell. I have a great knowledge of the military and it's heritage so pride myself on being an authentic re-enactor and performer with the act being established since 2011

Miss Sarah Jane & Lancaster Just Jane
My performances have taken me all over the UK, from many prestigious military formal events through to private weddings, vintage tea parties and large corporate events for national companies but I really wish to establish myself more within my local county and community.
I am more than happy to talk through your ideas, no matter how big or small, just give me a call on 07825 631 723 or email me at
Checked 3 Jan 25
Sophisticake (Cake Makers to Royalty)
Birthdays, Christenings & more.... Fabulous 3 tier wedding cakes start from as little as £500 Nationwide delivery is available for wedding cakes Phone 01526 351777 for more
Checked 3 Jan 25

Soo Durham
Soo Durham (Ceramic Artist)
The Broadway
Woodhall Spa
LN10 6SQ
My Pieces are mainly slab built. Decorated pieces of clay form their own shapes to a certain degree, either draped in suspended fabric sling moulds or allowed to "free-fall" over plaster spheres, feet are then attached. The earthenware and porcelain pieces are mostly fired three times. Precious gold lustre and other coloured lustres are applied for the final firing. I also use Gold and Silver leaf on all three clays. Each piece is unique due to the forming process, especially the Raku forms where the firing is a major contribution to the final outcome.
Soo is the exhibitions officer of Harding House Gallery, Steep Hill, Lincoln, where her work can be seen.
Tel: 01526 352639
Mobile: 07944 437533
Website: Soo Durham (
Checked 3 Jan 25